Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I'm here seating in my desk doing working while at the same time I'm watching and hearing movies on Youtube. You must be saying how in the blue hell are you doing this. Well the answer to that questions my friends is MIND YOUR BUSINESS! LOL Anyways as I seat there in my cubical thinking on where my life is going I always look back on what my life would be like if I went through another direction. I don't know I sometimes feel that my life is not going where and sometimes at times I can't even see the light in the end of the tunnel, Relax I'm not dying! But don't get me wrong though for one thing that am thankful that I have a job and a roof over my head but I wish I could make more and never worry MONEY! Yes I said it Money!

Anyways I know this sounds like am bitching but I don't really don't care of what others think cuz we always bitch no matter how small it is. Talk to you soon peeps

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